Friday, April 20, 2012

Notepad covers

Some notepad covers I've done. (Sorry for the weird lighting and stuff, I'm not a photographer by any means!)

This one was made for my sister Liz:  Hot pink 3x3 Post-Its with striped pink cover and pink flower, with 'faith' sticker added. 

A similar notepad made for my friend Jadee, for her first day back to school: Lime green 3x3 Post-Its with striped pink cover and pink flower.  The letter stickers were silver, so I used silver ink on the edges of the flower and the butterfly (MS butterfly punch = love it!)
Another back to school one, for my friend Toni who is a professor at a local college.  So simple to make with a $1 notepad from the craft store and some cardstock scraps!  Butterfly with the MS punch again, inked and quilled antenna added, and one of my favorite flowers, with quilled stamen.

This one was a Christmas gift for my sister Jenna.  Black is her favorite color, so i thought she'd like this.  Another hot pink 3x3 post-it pad, covered with textured black cardstock.  The flower came out great with a silver and black paper as the base and the black and white over it.  I added the hot pink quilling paper in the center to match the notepad, but it needed a little something else and the quilled heart was perfect. 

Last one, I promise!  I made this one for my mom for Christmas.  It's a blue 3x3 post-it pad, but I didn't have any matching cardstock that I liked with it.  I ended up using plain cardstock that I glued patterned scrapbook paper to before cutting and folding and it worked great.  Quilled butterfly and heart added and it was a very simple project.

I'm thinking I might make a whole bunch of these and stock up in case I decide to do the holiday craft fair at work this year.  I think this might sell pretty good in cubical land!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Large quilled cross

Here's a quilling project I did for my sister Liz, for Christmas 2010. I came across the scrapbook paper in the background and I loved it and had to do something with it. Turns out the colors matched their bedroom perfectly. The verse on the bottom is Isaiah 9:6. I printed it on plain paper and used a lighter to burn around the edges.

Here's some detail:

Center of the cross

Filigree on the sides.
(I came across a picture one day on a Google images
search of staircase that had a wrought iron decorative
baluster that looked like this.
I had to quill it!)

What do you think?

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's taken me long enough...

It's taken me long enough to get things on here! I needed one place to store all of my pictures of my quilling and other craft projects online (mostly so I can show it off :0). I created the blog weeks ago and I'm now just getting around to posting!
(Side note: What's in a name? When I was little, my grandmother called me 'shenanigans' as a nickname since my name is Shanon. So, yes, I do realize my blog title is spelled wrong, it was on purpose!)

Ok, some history...

1. History of quilling (from Wikipedia): 'Quilling, also known as Paper Filigree, is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is wound around a quill to create a basic coil shape. The paper is glued at the tip and the coil shaped, these shaped coils are arranged to form flowers, leaves, and various ornamental patterns similar to ironwork.'

2. My history with quilling: I love quilling. I first learned about it in an email I got from Martha Stewart Crafts a few years back. It looked awesome, and didn't sound too hard so I thought I would learn more about it. I'm glad I did! I'm not incredibly artistic, but I can often be found wandering around Jo-Ann's or Hobby Lobby to find new, creative ways of using quilling.

Here's the very first quilling project I did:

It's a birthday card I made for my cousin. The flower and bud are about 4 inches by 4 inches. I had made the flower and then decided to make the card last minute, so I just grabbed some scraps of paper and ribbon I had around. I was pretty pleased with the outcome for my first try!

My second project (the same day):

Another card, for my sister. This butterfly wings are made using a technique called 'alternate side looping', which was actually easier than I though it would be.

My third project (also the same day!):

I love this design (as you will see in later posts!). This card I gave to a sweet woman at church who had my husband and I over for dinner. She has it hanging in her kitchen. As fun as it is to make things for people by hand, it's a good feeling when you know they actually like it.

Comment and let me know what you think of my projects. Have any quilling tips or fun craft ideas? Let me know that, too! If you want to try your hand at quilling, I'd be happy to offer some great online resources that I've used, for supplies, patterns and inspiration. I'll share some in later posts, too!